Rodrigo Heck,葡萄牙里斯本的开发者
Rodrigo is available for hire
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Rodrigo Heck

Verified Expert  in Engineering



Rodrigo是一名数据科学家,在数据通信和分析方面拥有丰富的经验, 交互式数据可视化, 以及网络开发. 他专注于开发人工智能解决方案, 自然语言处理, 计算机视觉,并将其嵌入到用户友好的应用程序中. Rodrigo enjoys building transformative systems using the best technology and solving problems by delivering quality solutions using algorithms, data, and creativity.


Michael Sullivan & Associates LLP
Python, Flask, React, TypeScript, OpenAI GPT-4 API, LoRa,文本检索
数据科学,Python, SQL,谷歌云平台(GCP),推荐系统
Wispr AI
React, Flask, Python, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Socket.IO





Jupyter笔记本, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The most amazing...

...project I've developed is a platform that gathers different Brazilian fashion eCommerce platforms in one website powered by a sophisticated search algorithm.

Work Experience

AI Developer

2023 - PRESENT
Michael Sullivan & Associates LLP
  • Developed a retrieval augmented large language model (LLM) that could leverage internal data to provide better answers in a chatbot setting.
  • Built a chatbot platform from scratch, setting up both front- and back-end architectures.
  • Developed an internal method for information retrieval composed of multiple steps.
技术:Python, Flask, React, TypeScript, OpenAI GPT-4 API, LoRa,文本检索

Data Scientist

2022 - 2023
  • Automated the process of campaign poster creation by finetuning stable diffusion on proprietary data.
  • Leveraged GPT family models to automatically generate important insights from text data.
  • 创建仪表板,分析有关公司的社交媒体信息.
  • Helped to put in place a recommendation algorithm based on user demographics and platform interactions.
Technologies: 数据科学,Python, SQL,谷歌云平台(GCP),推荐系统


2022 - 2022
Wispr AI
  • Developed a real-time dashboard able to display the signal from physical sensors.
  • Created a back-end system that allowed low latency data communication in a continuous setting using sockets.
  • Implemented a system to record data from physical sensors to build a dataset for machine learning training.
技术:React, Flask, Python, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Socket.IO


2021 - 2022
  • Developed a platform that enabled users to do simple searches that return posts related to the input on social media.
  • 使用零射击学习来利用人工智能进行文本分类.
  • Implemented the back-end structure, including the APIs, databases, and file storage.
  • Developed a customizable dashboard that allowed the user to investigate data returned from social media.
技术:反应, Python, PyTorch, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), GPT, 自然语言处理(NLP), Flask, Firebase, Cloud Firestore, Firebase实时数据库, JavaScript, Web Scraping, APIs, Gunicorn, Hugging Face, Firebase Web SDK, Docker, 工程数据, Front-end, Back-end, Full-stack, HTML, CSS, 亚马逊SageMaker, Amazon, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), 人工智能(AI), Data, Containers, JSON, GitHub

Data Scientist

2020 - 2021
James Tip
  • Elaborated visually compelling dashboards that could help the clients better navigate their data.
  • Maintained and improved the code used to provide purchase recommendations to the clients.
  • 创造了新的方法来识别和避免缺货.
Technologies: R, SQL, RStudio Shiny, 统计方法, Statistics, Python 3, Python, React, Data Analysis, Data Analytics

Data Scientist

2020 - 2020
  • 对客户的大型数据集进行了深入的统计分析.
  • Elaborated presentations that contained the most critical findings from our investigations.
  • Applied machine learning to automatically discover what most impacted the success of the client's business.
技术:Python, 数据可视化, Data Analysis, Jupyter笔记本, 线性回归, Python 3, 机器学习, Deep Learning, TensorFlow, 长短期记忆(LSTM), Pandas, NumPy, Plotly, Data Analytics, Analytics, Scikit-learn, BigQuery


2018 - 2020
  • Used 自然语言处理 and other artificial intelligence methods to assess the NPS of client companies, 从而更好地综合社交网络上的消费者情绪.
  • Built interactive visualizations in dashboard formats and automatic reports to communicate valuable information internally and externally.
  • Developed Bayesian models that could measure the impact of interventions in a real-life scenario or the non-experimental environment.
Technologies: R, Python, Keras, 贝叶斯统计, Naive Bayes, Deep Learning, 机器学习, Web Scraping, Twitter API, Python 3, PyTorch, Dashboards, Data Analysis, 净推荐值(NPS), Clustering, Topic Modeling, 卷积神经网络(CNN), Market Research, 市场营销研究 & 分析,分析,科学学习



I developed the AI algorithms necessary to segment and classify each product and the platform that would enable the client to manually label the brands for training purposes. All solutions were encapsulated in a simple-to-use API that received an image and returned the distribution of products and brands.


An R Shiny report that allowed our clients to interact with their summarized data.

我们公司收集了很多欧博体育app下载客户的社交媒体评论. Still, most of the interaction they had with this data was by checking the overall sentiment displayed as a single number.

My intention with this project was to automatically generate a Shiny application that offered all the important information they wished to know in a single place. They had access to previously calculated metrics and could interact with the graphs and comments, 进行定制搜索, 并且通常对他们的数据有更好的整体理解.

我们引入此解决方案的客户对该工具感到满意. They enjoyed this guided but not static experience to know what happened over a certain period regarding their social media presence.

一个连接顾问和客户的平台. 我是首席技术官,开发了所有可用的功能, combining NLP techniques for the search algorithm and front and back-end skills to deploy an easy-to-use layout. 咨询师有能力接收建议书来连接, 他们可以创建现场活动并出售门票, 他们可以把自己的技能提供给特定的公司. These features required the correct implementation of a flexible payment gateway. 在这个例子中,我使用了Stripe. The development of an online conference solution to in-platform video connection; the use of front and back-end frameworks to build everything up (Flask, Firebase, and React), 以及在云服务器(AWS)上部署系统。.


A Shiny app able to access different types of datasets and convert all of them into a unified format. 一个研究小组进行的调查也非常相似, but there were some idiosyncrasies that made the merge between different datasets somewhat complicated. This app allowed the team to map all the questions into the same structure and download a single merged dataset.


This was a project for a law firm that wanted to enhance their internal knowledge database, 希望能提供与我们在ChatGPT中所享受的相似的体验. First, 它需要构建一个检索模型来获取相关文档, then tweaking GPT-4 enough for it to understand what it is supposed to do with its context window, and, finally, 为用户构建一个引人注目的、漂亮的交互界面.


R, Python, Python 3, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript


Flask, RStudio Shiny


Pandas, Keras, TensorFlow, Firebase Web SDK, NumPy, TensorFlow深度学习库(TFLearn), Scikit-learn, React, PyTorch, Twitter API, Stripe, Stripe API, Stripe Connect API, Socket.IO


净推荐值(NPS), Plotly, 亚马逊SageMaker, BigQuery, GitHub


Jupyter笔记本, Firebase, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Docker, Amazon, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), 谷歌云平台(GCP)


Firebase实时数据库,云Firestore, JSON


自然语言处理(NLP), Dashboards, Hugging Face, Data Analytics, Market Research, 市场营销研究 & Analysis, Data, GPT, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), 概率论, 机器学习, Data Analysis, 数据可视化, Statistics, Computer Vision, Web Scraping, Naive Bayes, Deep Learning, Clustering, Topic Modeling, 统计方法, 线性回归, 长短期记忆(LSTM), 卷积神经网络(CNN), Front-end, visNetwork, 人工智能(AI), 计算机视觉算法, Analytics, 生成预训练变压器3 (GPT-3), Economics, Politics, 经济分析, 贝叶斯统计, APIs, Gunicorn, 工程数据, Back-end, Full-stack, Containers, Jitsi, Data Structures, 推荐系统, Chatbots, OpenAI GPT-4 API, LoRa



2014 - 2019



2017 - 2018


德国Göttingen - Göttingen大学



MITx on edX



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